Newborn, baby and family photography

Tips and general information

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How I work

With my newborn, baby and family sessions I’m with you in the comfort of your own home or sometimes (weather dependent) outside at a location of your choice. Patience is key. I like to allow at least 1.5-2 hours, taking into account feeds, nappy changes or just snack time.

My style is very much documentary. No posing and using only natural light. I'll work around you caring, spending time and having fun with your family, just giving you a few directions here and there.

With newborns and babies in particular, your photos could be taken in your living room, say, cuddled up on the sofa, in your bedroom and/or in baby’s nursery. White sheets, a neutral duvet/ throw on your bed work well.

Some photographers say the earlier the better for newborn photos, they are of course tiny and basically the younger they are the easier it can be to photograph them as they sleep more. However, I think it’s completely up to you and best to wait until you’re in a bit of a routine and feel settled at home. Some of my favourite shoots have been with babies at 3-6 weeks with cute facial expressions, these sometimes require a bit more patience, but I've plenty. It’s really is up to you though.

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What to wear
Keep clothing for everyone simple and neutral, think casual and comfortable. Avoid labels, patterns and bright co
lours and wearing a watch as they can be distracting. Mums (and Dads even) you might also want to do your nails as your hands maybe in a few close up pics.

It's nice to see baby’s little hands and feet, so a simple footless baby grow/ sleep suit/ vest is a great idea. Again, white or neutral colours work well. Also, have any favourite toys, gifts or clothes at the ready and I'll be sure to use them. It's also advisable not to wear dungarees or denim dresses, as the fabric is stiff and tends to bunch up.

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Your Photographs
Five to six weeks after your photo shoot, all of your photographs (approx. 60 - 100 images) will be available to view and download from a password protected gallery through my website. All images are fully edited high-resolution jpegs, yours to print. 

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Local Bristol sessions are £300.00 including a £50.00 non-refundable booking fee, to be paid by bank transfer. For sessions outside Bristol please get in touch for a bespoke quote.


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Prints and frames

Prints in a range of different sizes are available as optional extras from your private gallery. They are easy to order, high quality and I personally colour check all images, which are then processed through my print supplier ‘One Vision’.

I also make bespoke frame sets at an additional price, these are created by myself with you overseeing a proof mock up design. They can be ordered at any time after you have received your images. Price varies on size required, simply get in touch for a quote.

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Interested to see more?... Explore collections of family and newborn sessions on my blog, just hit the links below for an extended look.

 Newborn at home

Family out and about